Save the Date! Sunday, March 28th at 1:00 p.m. the Merrick Public Library, Brookfield will host Map Day with Robert Wilder. Eagle Scout candidate Tyler Latour will showcase his map descriptions completed thus far which are the main focus of his community project. Mr. Wilder has fifty local history maps and Tyler is appealing to the community, family and businesses for sponsors to be included with the descriptions. Each map maybe sponsored for $20. each. Funds raised will go towards the purchase of a map case which will be placed in the library for our community to have access to Mr. Wilders' vast knowledge and map expertise. out Tim Kane's editorial on page 4
Forms to sponsor a map are currently available at the library.
Please make checks out to: Troop 238
Map 10
Greater Brookfield 1673-1920, 7 Towns.
This map demonstrates how over time, pieces of the original town of Brookfield in 1701 succeeded and made separate towns. These towns are present today. In the middle of the map there is a little white house (located on Foster Hill), which labels the center of the original 64 square miles of Brookfield in 1701. The distance from the house to the corners of the town is 13 miles. As you look around the map you see different numbers located in each town. This represents the population of families that lived in that town in 1754. North Brookfield had the most with 75 families, which made North Brookfield the Power House.
This map clearly shows these succeeding towns using a series of overlays. On the first overlay there is a white boundary line that labels the boundary of the original Quaboag plantation. Also the yellow circles label where the present center villages are located. On the second overlay the first town (Warren) leaves in 1741. On the third overlay New Braintree and Ware succeeds in 1750. On the fourth overlay North Brookfield is the next one to leave in 1812. On the Fifth overlay West Brookfield leaves in 1848. On the sixth overlay the last town succeeds which is East Brookfield in 1920. Now on the seventh overlay you are left with the present town of Brookfield. On the next overlay you see just the boundaries of where the towns once were, lakes and rivers.
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